Shopping Bags Budgeting

5 Secret Tips for Making the Most of Boxing Day Sales

When Boxing Day arrives, many things are cheaper than they are at any other time of the year. You have money burning a hole in your pocket or perhaps you simply have things that you need and want to get a bargain on them. By following these secret tips, you can maximise your Boxing Day efforts this year.

1. Do Your Research

While there are plenty of great deals available on Boxing Day, other deals might not be as good as they seem. Instead of falling prey to “deals” that will really be cheaper in a few weeks or even a month or two, consider doing some research before buying. This is especially true on major purchases!

2. Stick to a List

When you go shopping on Boxing Day, be sure you know what you are after. Last minute purchases and impulse buys can throw your budget out of whack for the rest of the month. Instead, make a list of things that you really need or want and stick to it.

3. Your Time Matters

In many places, shoppers will be lined up outside the door well before shopping centres or stores are open, and they’ll spend more time in line than they will actually shopping. Keep in mind that your time counts! If online shopping won’t work for you–as an added bonus, online shopping will also allow you to more accurately track the full amount you’re spending on your purchases–consider skipping any places where the lines are excessively long.

4. Think Ahead

What items are you going to need for the year ahead? This is a great time to make a list of things that you know you’re going to need in the future, even if you don’t need them yet. Spend some time thinking ahead to what you’re really need in the coming year, then seek out deals on those items.

5. Don’t Buy Just Because It’s a Deal

A deal isn’t a deal if it’s an item that you wouldn’t have purchased for yourself. This is where shopping from a list is critical: it will make you less likely to choose items that you don’t really need or want. Pass over items that you’ll likely regret in the coming weeks and months and direct the money for that purchase to things you’ll really use instead.

Making the most of Boxing Day sales can mean saving a ton of money over the coming year. Unfortunately, if you’re a little tight on money thanks to the holidays, you might find yourself unable to take advantage of those wonderful sales. If you need a low doc personal loan to get you through the Boxing Day sales, contact us.